Page 11 - Newletter Issue 8
P. 11

Music Recommenda�ons

                                   Coldplay - Hymn For The Weekend(English)
                                   This is a song by a Bri�sh singer showing the culture of India .The lyrics have
                                   added spark to the music video . It features Indians having fun on the Indian
                                   streets while doing their works, daily chores and celebra�ng different  occasions.
                                   link: Hymn For The Weekend (

                                   Vidya Vox- be free pallivalu bhadrava�akam(English & Malayalam)

                                   This song is a mashup of 2 songs in English and Malayalam. The video shows the
                                   culture  of Kerala in a beau�ful manner.
                                   link: be free pallivalu bhadrava�akam (

                                   BTS-Spring Day(Korean)

                                   This song  is in a  language we are not familiar with but, listening to  the song s�ll
                                   gives the nostalgia which is what the lyrics convey and also exactly what  music
                                   does to people. This song is based on the Sewol ferry tragedy in South Korea
                                   which took the lives of many people ,many of who were students. This was one
                                   of the biggest mari�me disasters of S.Korea. The song is also associated with the
                                   feeling of missing someone.
                                   link: Spring Day (

                                                                                         - Ch. Hinduja Reddy, VIII

     Inven�ons & Discoveries

     Solar heated tents for the Indian Army

     The container cabins being used by our soldiers usually bring large quan��es of kerosene which they burn to keep
     themselves  warm.  This  not  only  drains  on  the  state  exchequer  (na�onal  treasury)  but  also  creates  a  serious
     discomfort for soldiers since kerosene-powered hea�ng is prone to fire accidents.

     Ladakhi innovator, Sonam Wangchuk and his team at the Himalayan Ins�tute of Alterna�ves (HIAL) has developed
     the prototype of a unique solar-heated tent for Indian Army soldiers sta�oned in the cold and high-al�tude climates
     of Ladakh.
     He noted that the temperatures inside the newly developed Solar tent stood at +15 degrees Celsius at 10 pm on a
     day when the minimum temperature outside was -14 degrees Celsius. It offers more space than the container
     cabins used by our soldiers and the main advantage is that this structure requires no kerosene for hea�ng purposes
     and causes zero pollu�on in the environment.
     This tent is a solar-passive structure that is portable, prefabricated and can be assembled on the spot.The design is
     very simple.It uses the sun to collect the heat, water to store it and the tent’s insula�on proper�es help retain it in
     the tent for our soldiers at night.
                                                                                                   - Ch.Gautami, VIII

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