Page 10 - Newletter Issue 8
P. 10
Junior Wing (Class VI-VIII)
Celebra�ng concepts online - The Virtual Science Exhibi�on (VI -VIII)
A online exhibi�on is a large-scale event that uses a variety of means to promote concepts and ideas of
budding minds and encouraged by school and facilitated by teachers to show their ideas in charts and
Exhibi�ons are typically designed to encourage students to think cri�cally, solve challenging problems, and
develop skills such as oral communica�on, public speaking, research, teamwork, planning, self-sufficiency,
goal se�ng, or technological and online literacy i.e. skills that will help prepare them for life.
Our school too held a very interes�ng online exhibi�on of students this year. It was surprising to see the
various pieces of hard work of such good standards. These exhibits were a�rac�ve and colourful for they
had been prepared and designed well by the students with guidance from the teachers. The students were
obviously enthusias�c about their work; for each item was rendered carefully and lovingly thought it was
their first �me online.
Students were guided in four ways:
1. Develop the main idea of your exhibi�on. What is the big idea you want to communicate to the
2. Decide on the central themes of the exhibi�on, and start thinking about the “flow” of the exhibi�on.
What do viewers really need to know?
3. Decide what objects to include.
4. Develop the exhibi�on narra�ve.
There were many sec�ons to interest parents and friends who came to see the work of their children online
, and students put up the best show possible with their concepts and crea�ve ideas.
Nonetheless even we teachers had to face certain challenges with power and technical issues, but the
spirit to con�nue, encourage, imbibe and learn with happiness remained lingering.
- Ms. T S Priya
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- Samiksha Choudary, VIII
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