Page 7 - Newletter Issue 8
P. 7
Navatej - I, Inspired by a lesson taught in the class,Navatej decided to learn how a post box actually works
I Miss My School My very first experience of a Virtual Science
The name of my school is Sherwood
Public School. In January 2021, there was a Science Exhibi�on
Because of Covid - 19 Pandemic I miss my conducted by our school. Due to covid - 19 pandemic
school. it had to be conducted online. It was a thorough
I can only see all my friends and teachers success.
in online class. For the Science Exhibi�on, I made the model of the
I miss all of my friends and playing in the brain and thought that I would explain about its
school playground. func�ons. However, before my presenta�on, I was a
I miss fes�val celebra�ons, Annual Day bit nervous.
Func�on and every event in the school. When I saw my friends performing confidently, I
Let’s all pray together that covid - 19 began to gather confidence.
Pandemic is over soon and we can go to When my turn arrived, I performed confidently and
school. felt proud since all my friends and teachers were
Really, I love my school very much. watching me perform happily.
The Science Exhibi�on of 2021 was a memorable one.
- Ananya, I
- Debargha Du�a, V
Adap�ng to the tech teaching...
For students, this �me of the year used to be of revision and hustle and bustle for exams, but the recent pandemic
has forced the world to reinvent and reimagine the usual. Online classes have become the new normal. With class
schedules for the day arriving on apps, and students taking classes through the virtual world, the whole educa�on
system is now just a click away.
These are difficult �mes for us all, but I feel that they are also exci�ng �mes for teaching. The context has rapidly
changed for most of us in the last couple of months, going from full face-to-face lessons to having to do the same
Online educa�on is good as most of the reading or reference materials are quite accessible online. It is highly
interac�ve. The ways in which children can be taught virtually is limitless. For example: Children can get a be�er
understanding of a topic being taught when teachers use virtual tools like graphics/videos to make them
understand. This helps them perform be�er and encourages them to par�cipate more in the classroom ac�vi�es.
These classes, which are interac�ve in nature, would garner more a�en�on and interest from students. We should
teach kindness and good manners online because children are great mimics and they repeat whatever we show
Every form of technology comes with its boons and curses; it is the way we use that determines how or how much
it can influence us. It is the same case for online learning as well, if used properly it can be a blessing. Maintaining
a healthy balance is impera�ve in order to pave a great future for kids and can certainly go a long way in making the
most of online / at-home learning.
- Ms. Soniya Veladandi
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