Page 2 - Newletter Issue 8
P. 2

The primary purpose of a school is to help a child discover himself, find out which seed he/she is. Just
     as every seed contains the future tree, each child is born with infinite poten�al. If children grow up

     with a strong sense of who they are and what they can be good at, they grow into confident individuals

     more at peace with their choices of course or career.

                                   Examina�on is only another hurdle in life's journey.

                                   Waking up early morning, regular exercise of the body, following a balanced rou�ne,

                                   ea�ng  nutri�ous  food,  avoiding  excessive  use  of  social  media,  submi�ng
                                   assignments on �me are a few of the hurdles children face on a regular basis.

                                   Mr YK Gurwara - our Director - is a passionate and dedicated teacher and has been
                                   �relessly working for the cause of educa�on.

     He says, "School educa�on should be a joyful journey and NOT a race. Let us help our children follow their dreams

     and not be caught in a mindless rat-race”. He believes that the only way for children to maximise their poten�al is
     when they receive uncondi�onal love and support of teachers and parents. There is no be�er �me to provide this

     ‘uncondi�onal love and support’ than during Examina�on �me !!

         Here are some of the guiding words of our director Mr.Y.K Gurwara

         Some children flower at 10. Some children flower at  20. Some children flower at 30. Let’s not be impatient and
         pressurise children by comparison.

         Let us cherish our children for what they are, not for what we like them to be.

         It is not for how many hours one studies but what one assimilates in an hour that is  important.

         Education is a slow process. Pressuring the child will only lead to the fear of the subject. Children need confidence.

         It is confidence and not unrealistic expectations and coaxing that help children to do well in any exam in the life.
         These examinations are the experiences given to the innocent children to take up big challenges ahead in their lives.

         The best gift a parent and the school can give to our children is not marks only but the gift of imagination...... Every

         teacher, doctor, engineer, architect, musician, artist, writer, businessman... needs the power of imagination to excel

         in his/her profession.

                                                                                                   - Ms. Anita Gupta

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