Page 14 - Newletter Issue 8
P. 14
A le�er of thanks and apprecia�on to the parents
Dear parents,
It was less than amazing when the budding mathema�cians / scien�sts / geologists / orators / system
analysts of classes VI -VIII decided to put up their best skill sets in front of their friends during the one week
long Virtual Science Exhibi�on held recently.
Ven�ng into their inner self and passion the students, in spite of limited resources amidst the pandemic,
made sure that no stone was le� unturned to make their presenta�on excellent. The very first day of
exhibi�on itself brushed away all our confusions and the ini�al hiccups that existed regarding the virtual
We, in Sherwood, have always believed that educa�on is a tripolar process. This was amply exhibited in this
Exhibi�on when you, dear parents, became an essen�al support and connec�ng link between the school
and students. We would like to express our sincere gra�tude to each one of you for having dedicated ample
amount of �me and energy into the making of models and charts, guiding and correc�ng your ward
whenever they sought your help.
This event would not have been this successful, had we not had you parents run for procuring materials for
the working model, help them set up the presenta�on, rightly adjust the webcam, ge�ng their speech
right, giving them confidence to express themselves on screen…
Your presence was an added bonus to the Exhibi�on. Thank you all for your con�nued support, your keen
interest in the school ac�vi�es and above all, for the valuable �me you are spending to support the child in
every way.
We, at Sherwood, assure you to con�nue working towards providing a be�er learning experience to the
innocent souls who have stepped into this temple of knowledge.
- Teachers
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