Page 12 - Newsletter Vol 1 Issue 9
P. 12
April 12th : Interna�onal Day of Human Space Flight.
Ever since man has existed, he has yearned to
understand the phenomenon, that is space. Today, the world
celebrates one of the greatest achievements of human history
- Space flight.
We, as the current genera�on, think of space flight with very
meagre regard. On July 17, 1975, Apollo and Soyuz was the first
joint US-Russian space flight. This event marked the first
interna�onal human mission in space. However, it has laid the
founda�on of the possibility of numerous outcomes for the
human kind.
Manned missions were unheard of in the 1950's, but on April 12th 1961, Yuri Gagarin, a Soviet cosmonaut became
the first human to orbit the Earth. On 4 October 1957, the first human-made Earth satellite Sputnik- I was launched
into outer space. Two years later, Valen�na Tereshkova became the first woman to orbit the Earth.
Of course, everyone knows about the 1969 Moon Landing of the Apollo 11, where Neil Armstrong set foot on the
surface of the moon.
We celebrate April 12th as the Interna�onal Day of Human Space Flight in great honour of the fact that we had
begun the Space Age, and shall con�nue to do so �ll the end of humanity.
- Apurva Suman, IX
Mantra Medita�on
For those who have conquered the mind, it is their friend. For those who have failed to do so, the mind
works like an enemy.. Says Bhagvat Gita chapter 6.6
The mind is always busy, restless and cannot be stopped. Medita�on and yoga help us rise above the mind’s
There are many ways one can meditate like visualiza�on, breathwork, yoga asanas, etc.. But I find the
mantra medita�on more transforma�onal.. I had been prac�cing this in a consistent manner for 5 months
now, though I had been in touch with it since my childhood.
What is Mantra Medita�on?
Mantra is a Sanskrit term for “man” meaning “mind” and “tra” meaning ”release”.
Mantra is a spiritual sound vibra�on that purifies the consciousness and awakens love of God. Mantra
medita�on involves the repe��on of a mantra (sacred Vedic sound in Sanskrit) in prayer, medita�on, or
concentra�ng the mind on that sound vibra�on.
There are two types of mantra medita�on, Japa and Kirtan. Japa is a quiet and personal medita�on where
one chants on prayer beads. Kirtan, on the other hand, is a joyous congrega�onal medita�on on the same
sound vibra�on with musical instruments.
Mantra Medita�on helps to uncover all the nega�ve elements that have been accumulated and helps to
discover our true nature and rela�onship with oneself, universe and God.
It provides peace of mind and most importantly, you get quality �me to spend with yourself.
It engages all 5 senses of your body so that you get less distracted.
It helps in harmonizing the mind, body and soul.
For me, it had been something I could fall back on when things got difficult to handle. It helped me to
connect to li�le things in life and accept things as they are.
- Radha Prahlada, IX
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