Page 11 - Newsletter Vol 1 Issue 9
P. 11
Senior Wing (Class IX-X)
How to face and overcome challenges in life with confidence?
“How will I get through this challenge? I don’t think I can do this! How do other people do it?” Are these familiar
ques�ons we ask ourselves when we feel dejected, discouraged or demo�vated because we are facing a challenge?
I certainly have.
Life is full of challenges. Some people seem to meet every challenge with confidence, while others struggle to
overcome them. It is with this sense of responsibility and awareness that you can begin your journey into a higher
state of consciousness where challenges are no longer challenges, but opportuni�es to get a glimpse of your
highest and best self. I would like to share with you all few tricks which always encouraged me to conquer problems
with confidence and courage.
MY first piece of advice is to “Be Proud!” --- Be proud of all that you’ve lived through because you have made it this
far in life, and that in itself is an accomplishment.
Secondly, if you make a prac�ce of facing your challenges, even in failure, with full presence and awareness, you
will find most challenges are not challenges at all. Instead, these challenges make your personality even stronger.
Thirdly, the longer you spend searching for guidance outside of yourself, the longer you spend ignoring the
problem. Assess the situa�on, the circumstances, your ins�ncts and your abili�es, and then act. Your ac�on may
include enlis�ng help from others, but it will be your challenge to solve. The sooner you take up the challenge, the
quicker it stops being a problem.
Furthermore, in many cases this is the most important step, the most obvious step, yet it is also the most o�en
missed. People spend �me looking for a way around the issue, or surrounding in despair at the depravity of the
challenge, instead of facing it. The most important thing you can do is to face what’s in front of you head on.
Most noteworthy, overcoming a challenge requires accep�ng the problem a�er becoming aware of it. Accep�ng
your challenges transforms your percep�ons, which allows you to let go of worrying about the problems you
cannot change. As a result, acceptance brings peace.
To sum it up, some challenges seem enormous and harsh, but if you remain centred and full of awareness, no
challenge is too big to meet with power and grace.
- Kaavya Kunnatha, X
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A collec�on of pain�ngs by ��� ���
Ojasvi Mathur of class 9 ఓ �ల��! ఎంత ఎ���
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- G.Radha prahlada ,IX A
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