Page 25 - Newsletter Vol2 Issue 1
P. 25

Articles from Teachers

     The learning must con�nue

     It is but natural that when you are locked down in your homes with hardly any physical ac�vity, very li�le social
     interac�on, unable to communicate with your friends and classmates, at the most talking on phone calls or mee�ng
     the ones staying near your house ,you feel low, your spirits are really down!!

     But children there are many among you who are facing this tough �me with courage because you know for sure that
     the pandemic is not going to last forever and that your dreams will be converted into reality one day!!

     Lots to learn from the Nature too during these unprecedented �mes.  In spite of the pandemic the flowers con�nue
     to bloom, the birds con�nue to chirp , the trees con�nue to provide us with shade and colourful flowers to cheer us
     up , the rivers con�nue to flow ,the Sun unfailingly rises and sets on �me..

     Let us not forget we too are a part of the Nature too.

     Hence, none of you can really afford to relax. You will have to compete with the ones who are striving hard to
     maintain a balanced rou�ne to realise their priced goal of life.
     Our learning too should not stop or slow down during these challenging �mes.

     Let us also con�nue with our daily rou�ne sincerely whether we have physical classes or digital classes.

     Wake up on �me. Thank God for a new day. A li�le exercise , stretching  of your body for flexibility of your
     muscles and endurance. Taking bath on �me. Be at your study table at 8.20 with the things you require for the
     online classes.
     Remember, if you take care of small things big things will follow.

     If you dream to be a successful cricketer or an IT professional or a choreographer , animator, businessman and so
     on,    the  people  you  will  work  for  will  look  in  you  the  quali�es    of  punctuality,  coordina�on,  coopera�on,
     dependability, ini�a�ve, �me management.

     How do these virtues become a part of your personality!!

     Not in a day's �me for sure!! You need to make them your habit, prac�ce these quali�es each and every moment.
     The small li�le things, a�ending classes on �me, submi�ng assignments and projects on �me, coordina�ng and
     coopera�ng  with  classmates,  celebra�ng  the  important  days  meaningfully,  presen�ng  and  crea�ng  videos  on
     spreading awareness of social issues, lives of people who are remembered because of the kind of work they did in
     order to make the Earth a be�er place to live in, unknowingly develop you into a be�er human being

     Everything starts with a balanced rou�ne.

     Have slots in the day for physical exercise, studying, recrea�on, play, relaxa�on, social media �me, hobbies,
     family, general reading.

     Unconsciously a rhythm will get into you to do things.

     Study not keeping Homework and Tests in mind. Study not keeping marks in mind.

     When you prac�ce this, you will start studying for your own sake, not for your parents, not for your teacher ,not for
     marks, not for the sake of compe��on but to sa�sfy your own inherent thirst for knowledge. You study to find out
     answers to the ques�ons  -  What ?  Why ? How ?  Who ? When? Where?
     It is then that learning becomes fun.

     It is YOU and only YOU who can help yourself.

     Swami Vivekanand rightly said MAN IS THE MAKER OF HIS OWN DESTINY .

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