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Classroom Chronicles
April 2021 Vol 1 Issue 9
An year of uncertainties; but Sherwoodians were determined:
People say that �me passes by really fast.
However, �me has a wonderful way of showing us what really ma�ers to us
and it teaches the best to everyone.
The year 2020 and 2021 has totally proven the fact.
It's unbelievable as to how an academic year passed by and the difficult �mes
we have been through, including the �ny tots of Sherwood.
The lock down which began as a precau�onary measure in the month of March last year got extended,
uncertain�es gripped the whole world, we were walking in the dark. As teachers, our heart went out to the young
souls si�ng in the closed rooms, craving to meet their friends, missing out all the joy that they were gi�ed within
the school campus.
Though we always boast of the present genera�on being tech savvy, a small percentage of the children did find this
online system a hurdle for learning. Gradually months passed by, each day both the teacher and the child hoping to
meet in a normal school as before.
This academic year is an epitome of the fact that, both teachers and students have to keep up with the pace of the
world, this is the year where children became pa�ent listeners when teachers had technical difficul�es while
handling a session and our smar�es were soon to come up with a solu�on.
Not to forget about the mischiefs, which some�mes stood as an obstacle and some�mes paved the way to a group
Designing a lesson plan to suit all the criterias for an efficient online learning was not an easy task. For us teachers,
it was only the medium that had changed, the philosophy of providing a holy experience involving the maximum
senses of children remained intact.
We incorporated ac�vity periods to ensure that their rou�ne is balanced and each child is given an opportunity to
portray their talent similar to the physical school. Releasing the newsle�er , Classroom chronicles was also a part of
our mission to find the gems behind the screen, of many whom we are yet to meet in person.